Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Headlight - Blue Meanie in Miata Journal

Check out a feature car spread on the Blue Meanie in the newest edition of Miata Journal, a free mulit-media magazine.  The magazine can also be downloaded in high res for only a few bucks.  Subscribe to the journal to check out the feature and read some pretty cool tech articles; even if you're not a miata guy!

"This cosworth-powered NC is no Mr. Nice Guy"
Blue Meanie - photograph by Lindsay Emeigh

Direct link to the magazine: HERE
The Blue Meanie feature starts on pp.136

Daly, Adam. "Blue Meanie -This Cosworth-powered NC is no Mr.Nice Guy." Miata Journal September 20 2010: 136-155. Web. 13 Oct 2010. .

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Clandestine Shot

I am introducing a new type of blog entry - 'Clandestine Shot' - where I'll be posting up a picture that may  very well be random or have more of a purpose.  I'm playing this one by ear but it should be a fun way to keep the audience plugged in to Clandestine Motorsports.  Some more exciting content is coming this way; including tech articles, project logs, installation how-to's and product reviews!

Now on to the Clandestine photograph..

under-the-hood view of the procharged 1999 Mercury Cougar.  Plans for the winter downtime include cleaning up the engine bay and a Torsen differential among other things if all goes according to plan.